My name is Pranas Ziaukas but you can just call me Frank.
I enjoy playing table tennis with friends, doing photography and looking for hidden lunch boxes around the world (also known as geocaching).
During workdays I'm a software and data engineer and a mathematician among other roles.
Having studied in Lithuania and Sweden, I obtained Master's degree in mathematics. Feel free to read my thesis.
Also, I happened to co-author a handful of scientific papers whilst working in academia.
- Python, R, SQL, Bash
data engineering and science (7+ years) - TypeScript / JavaScript, C#, HTML / CSS
software engineering and development (8+ years) - MATLAB, SAS, LaTeX
academical research (3 years)
- mathematics, algorithms
- artificial intelligence, machine learning
- big data modelling, analysis
- automation
Get in touch
In case you have any ideas or feedback, feel free to drop me a message.